Did you ever see the movie What A Bob, there was a lot of talk about baby steps, and you know what they were right.
If the emotion you are experiencing seems huge and overwhelming, or small and recurring, or somewhere in the middle, small consistent recognition and action is going to create long lasting change.
This starts the process of rewiring the brain, and it aids in the neutralizing as it provides a sense of movement with the emotion.
Writing an affirmation, (I am not my emotions, I am a good person, I am worthy, I trust the process of life, I am open to change).
Start walking outside for as little as 10 minutes while listening to something that makes you feel alive.
Do a small task that seems like it can be pushed off until later (cleaning a cluttered space, making the phone call about _______, returning the item to a store, putting something away…)
Or visit See Step 2 for a few more actions
For long lasting success you have to ensure a solid foundation. This foundation is established by consistent repeated action.
It may seem frustrating, but taking the time to build the foundation and learning the process of breaking things down to the smallest piece possible will teach you the system of success. To listen to more about foundational living listen here.
1st post for Neutralizing Emotions
Step 1 for Neutralizing Emotions
Step 2 for Neutralizing Emotions
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