I know you know this, but do you believe it, and live it? I was thinking about this in regards to my current feelings about making dinner. I have been in charge of dinner for 22 years now, and truth be told I am burned out. I did a quick personal inventory and realized I didn’t require a better system, I required a break!
After that quick look I noticed the 4 children living in my home that were all of age and capability to be in charge of making dinner one night a week. I quickly let them know of the new dinner protocol and they all eagerly jumped in. I’m not going to lie I’ve had a few moments of guilt, old habits die hard, but everyone is happy to be eating actual meals for dinner again, I am happy to not be the one making them, and we all got some bonus points for stepping down (me), stepping up (them), asking for AND receiving help (both me).
Is there an area of your life that would benefit from you delegating it? I’d love for you to let me know your experiences with this.
**Weekly Written Affirmation: I easily ask for and receive help.
Monday Journal Prompt: If I stop doing all the things I believe my worth and value…
Looking for the actual journal you can purchase off of Amazon, the quote and prompts all have a special spot ready for you to write in it. It’s fill in the blank, so ultimately you could use it for a lot of different moments including your emails that you get from me daily. You can check it out here: Everyday I am Worth it Journal