U Be You
It sounds so simple when you say it like that. I’ll be me, you be you, and we all live happily ever after.
Except the part where I get caught up comparing myself to you, you get caught up judging me, then we both make decisions about our self that aren’t true but we end up operating from them.
Silly example, but makes the point beautifully; my husband likes extremely spicy food, I do not. For several years he put a lot of energy into trying to convince me to share his love of spicy. I didn’t several years wondering if there was something missing in my life because I didn’t love spicy. He felt like I wasn’t trying hard enough, I felt like he was trying to hard.
Eventually I had a realization I don’t t like extra spicy (okay truth I like a little dash of heat no more less is acceptable), it didn’t mean there was something wrong with my taste buds or my husband’s. It meant we’re different.
Stop attempting to fold yourself into someone else’s box.
Affirmation: I have enough time
Journal prompt: If I stopped doubting _________ about myself I would feel_______