Sometimes we look at the change we are hoping to make, and may not realize that in order to change in one area, we may have to change in another area first! That is the reason behind this first step. As you write think about these four things you may realize there’s a step before, change your direction if you recognize this and answer the new questions for that thing.
Quick example: I knew that it was time to organize my laundry room. As I stood in the laundry room I realized one of the reason the laundry room was so back up was because the linen closet required attention. I could have spent the time organizing the laundry room, but without first taking care of the linen closet (giving much of the laundry room a place to go) I wouldn’t have had much success with the changes in the laundry room.
For today’s journal prompts open the file below :)
I easily make better choices: Write it 5 times a day to assist in changing the thought pattern that change is difficult.
3 for the day: Write down the top 3 things to do for the day, and do those things FIRST!
Something you’re grateful for? Write it down. Something you’re tired of carrying around in your head? Write it down and RELEASE it.
Answer the journal questions :)