It may seem a little off, a little odd, to be getting ready to take down your Christmas decor, and settle back into life with less holiday chaos, AND be preparing for next years Christmas season. Stay with me though, it will be worth it in the end. How many times have you declared, said, or muttered, “next year I’m going to…”. This is what I am talking about. NOW is the time to ensure that the bright and brilliant ideas that you are having RIGHT NOW about how you would like next Christmas to go get put into action. Was there something about a party or dinner that you said, next year we should do it this way, write it down. Was there a certain way to put up decorations that you loved, write it down. Was there some things you promised to never do again, write it down. You may not believe me that this is necessary right now, but trust me, the chances of you remembering not only what you would like to do next year, but the reasons why, will be forgotten like the snow by the fourth of July.
Even more important than the decorations and parties, I want to talk to you about how the holidays felt this year. I was even overwhelmed by the number of voices telling me about boundaries, what I can and can’t do, saying no, how to have certain conversations etc. etc. etc. Midway through the normal chaos of the season I had a realization, that just like trying to figure out what caused the migraine, while you have the migraine is not helpful at all, learning about and attempting to implement boundaries in the middle of a family party is not helpful at all.
If you would like a different emotional and mental experience next holiday season it starts now. Learning about saying no, 11 months in advance, makes the likelihood of you successfully saying no much, much higher. Learning to walk away from conversations, what a boundary is, how to enforce it, how to redirect conversations, is not something that is quick and easy to learn and DO!
As you begin to think about the things you would like to experience in the upcoming year, reflection on the things you did experience this year can be your best guide. If you know what you didn’t like, you can set you intentions on making shifts in these areas. These small shifts will help bring about the change you are seeking.
If you know what you don’t like, but don’t now how to change the experience I can help. As a Dynamic Life Systems Coach I will take an inventory of the systems that are running your current way of life and help you determine the necessary shifts to upgrade your operating system in order to upgrade your life experiences.