Have you heard yourself saying things about peace? Or when you hear others talk about peace, you think hmm that would be nice. Like all the other emotions in order to fully feel them, and process through them we have to first get familiar with them.
I had a client tell me his therapist told him to sit with his emotions. I asked him what does that mean? When asked to define the activity he had to admit he wasn’t sure. This is an activity you’ve heard about, maybe even be told to do. Defining your emotions will allow you to know when they are with you, and better understand how they serve you, and what to do with them.
Sitting with peace starts with practicing non attachment. You can practice non attachment by sitting for a few minutes. When thoughts come to your mind instead of attaching to them, and trying to do something with them, you acknowledge them and let them go. I like to visualize that I am sitting near a river when I do this. As the thoughts, feelings, and emotions come up I place them on a leaf that I drop in the river and watch them float away.