When you are making a decision are you checking in with your soul? Sometimes this happens quick and feels easy other times, it can be much harder because of all the extra voices you can end up with in your head. Some of the voices are real; spouses, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers etc. some of the voices are the ones we drag around out of habit (I like to refer to them as the itty bitty shitty committee, rarely are they helpful), some come from the things we are interacting with such as social media, news, podcasts… With all these extra influences it can feel challenging to sift through other’s opinions and connect with our own. Next time you find yourself looking for an answer from your soul, put one hand on your heart, one on your belly, and repeat: it is well with my soul. This repetition will help drown out the other voices and when you are ready to be still, be quiet, and wait, your soul will speak to you.
Affirmation: It is well with my soul
Journal: I feel the greatest peace in my soul when I…
Want a place to keep all your The Daily Marci thoughts and inspirations together? Buy the Journal I made for this very purpose on Amazon. It’s fill in the blank, so ultimately you could use it for a lot of different moments including your emails that you get from me daily. You can check it out here: Everyday I am Worth it Journal