Decide when you are going to start making the different choice and prepare so things are in place to be successful. If you decide that you are going to eat breakfast everyday, and even decide what you will be eating, make sure to take it one step further and prep everything so it’s ready to go for the next 5 days. Remove as much interference as you can that is between you and your new choice.
Write down your new thought, or mantra you will say, practice saying it. My mantra was “different results, different choices”. This helped me push through the resistance of doing the new thing, and reminded me that I am doing it to get the new result.
Follow this link to print out the journal pages for the whole week. JOURNAL PAGES
I easily make better choices: Write it 5 times a day to assist in changing the thought pattern that change is difficult.
3 for the day: Write down the top 3 things to do for the day, and do those things FIRST!
Something you’re grateful for? Write it down. Something you’re tired of carrying around in your head? Write it down and RELEASE it.
Answer the Journal Questions.
Steps 1,2,3, Go Here.