When you are deciding what feels like enough to you, make sure that you are checking in with you and not making your decisions based on what you perceive is enough to someone else.
Not only does comparing rob you of your own personal joy, it may send you off working towards someone else’s goals, you may be so awesome that you reach these goals, and what happens if once your get there it’s not what you wanted it’s what someone else did?
This is where learning who you are and what makes you feel joy is so important. What brought you joy when you were 8 years old? I promise there are answers for you in that right now.
Mine was service, for better or worse I am hard wired to to think about serving others. My new task? Learning how to serve myself!
Are you taking time to treat yourself with your gifts and talents?
Affirmation: I know who I am
Journal: When I was 8 years old I loved to…
Looking for the actual journal you can purchase off of Amazon, the quote and prompts all have a special spot ready for you to write in it. It’s fill in the blank, so ultimately you could use it for a lot of different moments including your emails that you get from me daily. You can check it out here: Everyday I am Worth it Journal