I knew that when I started this it was time. I knew that I was going to have to let go of the what I know it can be, in order to be at peace with what it is while I am learning to get all the things out of my head and into a computer! I am so happy to have you here on this journey. My hope is that even though I am learning and growing on a more technical side, you are learning and growing on a life happiness and satisfaction side from being here.
I will be playing around with the formatting of things, and hope to be increasing the value I provide here significantly. It’s been a journey of practicing all the things I “preach” as I have jumped into this new method of sharing my life coaching skills and knowledge.
I highly encourage you to print off the PDF’s attached, or at the very least have a notebook that you can take the cues from these pages and use to follow along. The content will build on each other day to day this week.
On the PDF you will find my thought/instructions for the day.
A place to write your affirmations, answers the questions I ask, as well as a 3 for the day.
This place is to write down the most important 3 things to do for that day. It can be making a phone call, running a specific errand, finishing a project. Getting that off your mind before you start can help you focus more fully on the journal page.
Lastly there is a place to write a gratitude and/or a release. If there is something that is on repeat on your mind write it in this spot, when it pops back up in your mind you can remind yourself that it is written down, so you don’t have to carry it on your mind anymore.